Why do we stay in relationships that don’t make us happy? I’m not just talking about romantic relationships either because friendships count as relationships. What is it that we’re so afraid of? Coming home to an empty house? Being the only person in the group without a partner? Not having ...
Whoa, Baby!
My friend Cerys is expecting a baby. For nearly nine months I have been subtly and not so subtly trying to convince this heifer to name her daughter after me and have been referring to this child as “Baby Ro” every chance I get. With her due date imminent, I am losing hope that the baby will ...
My Adventures In Abaco
Abaco, you have redeemed yourself. If you read my previous post, you’d know that I had such a bad experience in Abaco 16 years ago, that I kept my distance. This time around, however, things were much different and I’m glad I gave the island a second chance. I almost didn’t make this trip. ...
It’s A No For Me, Dawg
There’s an old saying that if you have nothing nice to say, you should say nothing at all. But what do you do when you have nothing nice to say, don’t want to say anything, but someone insists you say something anyway? It never ceases to amaze me how people with some of the worst reputations ...
Abaco, Here I Come!
I need a vacation. So, I’m taking one. Today, I head to Abaco to get some much-needed R&R. The last time I was on the island, it was 2002. That’s 16 whole years! Some of the islanders left a bad taste in my mouth, so I was in no hurry to return. Even though Abaconians are a proud people ...