This morning I was on my way to work when a driver in another lane nearly sideswiped my car. Thankfully, I’m a quick thinker. I grabbed control of my wheel, steadied the car and did everything in my power not to careen into a nearby tree. After whispering a thank you to the Heavens for sparing my ...
Who Would Have Thought
I was cleaning up my computer yesterday and stumbled across this old photo. I couldn’t help but smile. This photo was taken on Paradise Island on the grounds of the One & Only Ocean Club back when I was working for a local radio and TV station. The women to my left are blogger, Ianthia ...
Sometimes You’re Not A Boss. You’re A Worker.
I’m going to make this quick. I hear so many people claiming to be a boss. “I’m a boss”, “I make boss moves”, “I’m a boss chick.” Frankly, I’m bossed out. There’s nothing wrong with aspirations. Nothing wrong with thinking of yourself in a positive light. But, are your pronouncements in line with ...
Why do we stay in relationships that don’t make us happy? I’m not just talking about romantic relationships either because friendships count as relationships. What is it that we’re so afraid of? Coming home to an empty house? Being the only person in the group without a partner? Not having ...
Whoa, Baby!
My friend Cerys is expecting a baby. For nearly nine months I have been subtly and not so subtly trying to convince this heifer to name her daughter after me and have been referring to this child as “Baby Ro” every chance I get. With her due date imminent, I am losing hope that the baby will ...