I love West Elm. Love it. Can I afford it? That’s another story. While I love the company’s home furnishings and abstract art paintings, I find it a tad bit too steep for my budget. But, that doesn’t stop me from drooling over their items, especially their artwork.
If you’ve been following my blog or my YouTube channel, you’d know that I recently moved into my new apartment. This comes after a lengthy apartment search. You can read some of my advice about apartment searching here. So, naturally, I’ve been spending quite some time organising and decorating my new digs.
Not many of you know this, but I happen to be a great lover of art, I think it really enhances the home, so I’ve been searching for pieces to compliment my space.

My West Elm Inspiration

Two weeks ago, while searching, I came across this gorgeous black and white, abstract ink brush framed piece.
The artwork is simple, yet oh so satisfying. It features black broad strokes across a rectangular canvas. Most people would look at the piece and keep on moving, thinking there’s nothing to it. But, I love the simplicity of it.
I immediately saw the piece – actually, pieces – because there are two artwork that I love, and fell in love. What I did not fall in love with, however, was the $359 price tag.
I’m not one to rain on anyone’s parade, but these are not unique pieces. So, I didn’t quite understand the hefty price tag.
Anyway, seeing the pieces sparked a real lightbulb moment. I decided to create my own artwork. I love to paint – I’m not the greatest at it – but I do enjoy the process and I had all of the tools at my disposal, with the exception of the canvas, which I got from my local Michael’s craft store.
I Decided To Create My Own Artwork
At first I was going to try to recreate the West Elm pieces. But, decided against that. I definitely drew inspiration from the art, but decided to put my own little spin on it.
It literally took me 10 minutes to paint both canvases because the lines were simple. I added a few splatters of paint and signed my name and that was that.

I plan on hanging the paintings in my bedroom, which you will see in a future blog post.
I’m pretty happy with how my paintings turned out and they only cost me $17, the cost of the canvases. I always have paint lying around in my home, so I didn’t have to buy more.
I hope you all enjoy my artwork. Who knows, one day I might be famous enough where someone will want to own a Rogan. Hey, a girl can wish, can’t she?
This Bahamian Gyal
Looks like I need to hire you to decorate my new place… whenever I move. lol. I love it.
You’ve got it, babe. It’s crazy, because I am really REALLY falling in love with interior decorating. It makes me so happy to transform a space. Thanks for reading!