Today is an incredibly special day for me as it’s my mother’s birthday. I couldn’t be more excited.
You may wonder why I’m getting excited about somebody else’s birthday. Well, this isn’t just any-old-body, this is my mother. The woman who brought me into this world and loves me unconditionally. Besides, I look at so many of my friends who have lost their mothers and it makes me so appreciative for the one I have.
My mummy and I are incredibly close, which means we love hard and we also fight hard. But, I know throughout it all, no one loves me like she does and no one will sacrifice for me like her. I have made it a point to show her that I would do the same.
For years, I used to pray to God that I would die before my mother. I didn’t want to know life without her. She has lived a portion of her life without me, but all of my life, all I have known is her.
I grew up in a single parent household for the most part, so she was and is my world.
When I was a teenager, I told my mum that I wanted to die before her and she looked at me like I had lost it. She gently reminded me that that is not the natural order of things and said that she had already buried one child and wasn’t emotionally prepared to bury another.
I am not going to pretend that my mother is perfect. She’s not. No one is. She can be quite rowdy, annoying and no one and nothing exists the minute the love of her life, Ellen Degeneres comes on TV. A nuclear bomb could drop on her house and so long as her TV is still plugged in and Ellen is dancing, she is quite fine.

But, she listens when it counts and no one, other than God, comes before her children.
I am so thankful to God to have my mother for another year. I hope that my mum lives to see triple digits. I mean that because I’m not emotionally ready to lose her.
Today, I celebrate her wonderful life, all that she has meant to me and my entire family and I pray health, strength, wealth and happiness on her for the rest of her days.
I am also remembering my beautiful late grandmother, Iva Diana Smith and my late aunt, Stephanie Smith, who would have been celebrating today. They, along with my mum, were the family’s Christmas Eve babies. So, this day is even more significant.
I love you, mama and Stephan. Continue with your eternal beauty naps.
No love is greater than a mother’s love. Great blog.
You’re so right! I love my mother. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.