Forget everything you’ve heard about dating a Bahamian woman. I’m about to give you the best advice you could ever have about what it’s like to start a relationship with these Caribbean queens.
I feel more than qualified to give this advice as I am . . . wait for it . . . a Bahamian woman. I also have a lot of Bahamian male friends who have shared their experiences dating Bahamian women. This article will give you a great idea of what to expect.
Before I jump in, there is something you need to know: Bahamians don’t date. They just don’t.
I know that’s such a foreign concept for my American audience, but Bahamians don’t know how to date. In my country, people go out, if they like each other enough to sleep together they will, and then some of them will instantly consider themselves in a relationship.

There is no protracted courtship where you get to know each other, exchange I-love-yous and then you’re a couple. That just doesn’t exist in The Bahamas. Spoiler alert: this rarely results in a long-term relationship.
Also, the country is so small and everyone is linked in some way that it’s hard for a woman, for example, to go on multiple dates with different men without coming across like a harlot. It’s such an archaic way of thinking, but hey, that’s the way it is in The Bahamas.
What you are about to read are generalisations. They do not represent every Bahamian woman on the planet. But, they do represent a good number, so I think it is more than fair to say what I’m about to say.
1 – Bahamian Women Are Undercover CIA Agents
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Bahamian women are undercover CIA, FBI, DEA and CDU agents.
Their innate abilities to track someone down, unearth intel on a man or hack into his phone are unparalleled, not to mention illegal.
A Bahamian woman who wants to find out information on a potential suitor will go to extreme lengths to get it.
Most Bahamian women are connected to other women. Their tentacles reach far and wide and they have friends who work in banks, hospitals, clinics, other organisations who help them gather the information they need.
I mention all of this because it’s important for you to know that a Bahamian woman will likely know more about you in the early stages of the relationship than you will discover about her. So, you’d be wise to not lie about how much money you make, how much money you have in the bank, your STD status, etc. Because they will find out.
2 – Bahamian Women Like To Beg
I’m actually embarrassed to admit this, but Bahamian women have a reputation for begging. Not for sex. For money.
Again, not all Bahamian women beg for money. I certainly don’t. But, enough of them do where you will notice it and it may annoy you.
Most of them won’t come straight out and ask for money. But, they might drop hints that they need to pay a billl, or buy a new car or get help with their rent. Some will flat out ask you to give them money.
A good friend of mine told me that he and one of his boys went to the club and when he asked a Bahamian woman her name, she replied, “I name Bud Light and my friend name Hennessy.” Translation: buy us those drinks. Needless to say, my guy friend dipped on her.
So, be prepared for that.
3 – Bahamian Women Run Hot Quick
Bahamian women don’t typically get the reputation as being fiery tempered. But, they absolutely are.
One of my YouTube subscribers, Kenneth Barbour described these Caribbean women perfectly, “Bahamian women are like the weather in The Bahamas. Sunny one minute, cloudy the next and then a category 5 hurricane, boom!”
He’s right. Bahamian women can pack strong winds and sometimes fire. And they don’t back down from an argument, fight, whatever. Especially if they are standing on principle. If they’re right and they know it, you can expect a protracted fight.
I would advise any man thinking of dating a Bahamian woman to listen to this popular song by Bahamian singer, Pat Rahming Called Bain Town Woman. It perfectly describes the Bahamian woman. Take heed.
4 – Bahamian Women Are Extremely Ambitious
If there’s one thing I love and respect about Bahamian women, it’s that they are ambitious and like dey own tings.
Even the Bahamian woman who wants your money wants to ensure that she has her own so that when row day comes (i.e. argument), the man she’s dating can’t throw what he did for her back in her face. More on that later.
Bahamian women have a hustler’s mentality. It’s not uncommon for many of them to work a regular 9-5 job, but still have a side hustle to bring in some extra cash.
Some of the women who grew up poor are not content to remain in that circumstance, so they’ll do whatever it takes to climb out of poverty and make it.
Many of them are worker bees, so if you’re a lazy man, you’re going to have to seek out a lazy Bahamian woman, not an ambitious one, because the relationship won’t make it.
5 – Don’t Throw Anything In A Bahamian Woman’s Face
Gentlemen, this is a big one. Please ignore at your own risk. Do NOT, under any circumstance, throw something that you did for a Bahamian woman in her face.
What do I mean by that? Well, if you did something for her out of the goodness of your heart and somehow find yourself in an argument with her, do not remind her of it to win the argument.
For example, let’s say she accuses you of being selfish in the relationship because you’re spending more time with your guy friends than with her. Don’t fire back, “I wasn’t being selfish when I helped you with your rent last month after you got fired!”
Lord, I can see the dark clouds and lightning bolts forming now.
This is precisely why Bahamian women like to have their own money. Because they never ever EVER want a man to throw something in their face. Especially something like that. So, when arguing, try your hardest not to throw something you did for her in her face.
Now, I hasten to add that sometimes the Bahamian woman does need to be reminded of past deeds. But, if you must, make sure your tone is sugary sweet and caring. Not hostile. Trust me, it makes a huge difference.
6 – Bahamian Women Are Loyal To A Fault
Sometimes, I swear, I want to choke my fellow Bahamian women for being too damned loyal in a relationship.
Some stay too long even after a man mistreats them, hurts them, cheats on them. A Bahamian woman will weigh the pros and cons of the relationship to a fault. They look for ways to stay with the man they’re with. They make it work, point blank period.
7 – Bahamian Women Are A Lot Of Fun

You will never have a dull moment with a Bahamian woman. Not only are they fun to be with, but they are extremely witty and sharp on their tongue, which makes for playful banter.
They are also extremely creative and will always find something for the two of you to do regardless of the budget.
8- Don’t Be Cheap With A Bahamian Woman
Under no circumstances are you to be cheap with a Bahamian woman you are hoping to pursue.
If you’re looking for someone to go dutch with, say that upfront. So that she can decide whether she wants pursue a relationship with you.
But, if you are looking for a relationship and don’t expect to pay to take her out (after you’ve invited her out), you have lost your entire mind.
There is an expectation that you, the man, will pay for the date if you ask the Bahamian woman out. Do NOT invite her out and expect her to go halfsies. She will go halfsies upside your head. (Listen to that Bain Town Woman song again).
A good Bahamian woman will spare on expense to court you, especially if something major is coming up, like Valentine’s Day, Christmas or your birthday. She will go all out for you. But, if she finds that you are taking the cheap route with her, you can expect to never go out with her again. Trust.
9 – Bahamian Women Like To Row
Bahamian women like – no scratch that – they love to row.
They are the rowing champions of the Caribbean. Dey mouth don’t stop moving.
They can be extremely argumentative. Sometimes it’s necessary, sometimes incredibly unnecessary. They just love to argue. That can take a toll in a relationship. I’m rowdy, so I know what I’m saying is true. But, I don’t row for silly reasons.
Be sure to watch my YouTube video down below to learn more about what it’s like to date a Bahamian woman.
And if you’ve dated a Bahamian woman and want to share your experience, drop a comment down below.
This Bahamian Gyal