Vivica Fox sure knows how to tell a story.
I’ve been a fan of hers since she played Maya in Generations. You youngins probably have no clue about that groundbreaking soap opera, but it was juicyyyyy and Ms. Vivica was damned good in it. Her fight scene with Doreen is both campy and glorious.
One of the things that I’ve always admired about Vivica is the fact that she is always on her hustle. Her memoir, Every Day I’m Hustling, is further testament to that.
I picked up her book from a California Barnes & Noble expecting drama, inspiration and insight into her private life. Luckily, I got all three in healthy doses.

The book is full of behind-the-scenes tales from the sets of some of her Hollywood movies. She talks about her on-again, off-again relationship to rapper, Curtis ’50 Cent’ Jackson, her ill-fated marriage to Christopher ‘Sixx Nine” Harvest (the failure of that marriage is something many people can relate to and her) and how she has managed to not only stay relevant, but succeed in show business.
She doles out advice in a sassy, sister girl kind of way that many people – especially black women – will be able to relate to.
Throughout the book, I realized that Vivica is just as I thought, a tough cookie with a big heart.
I love that she never shied away from opportunities and was honest about her struggles with her relationships. I knew she loved 50 Cent, but I had no clue just how much. She put up with a lot – certainly more than any woman should have. She also cautions women to stop, “falling in love with a six-pack and a smile.”
I appreciated her candor about going through “the change” i.e. menopause and her openness in talking about why she didn’t have children. Lots of regrets there.
It was a fantastic book and an overall easy read. Thanks, Miss Viv. I see you, girl.