Your boss told me to tell you that he hates you. Ok, let me explain. Not since I told Bahamians about their bad breath have I seen such a strong reaction to my column. Two weeks ago, I published a piece called, “I don’t get paid enough to put up with this,” where I highlighted all of the drama ...
Your Husband Cheated, So He’s To Blame
It’s time for wives to start blaming the one person who is ultimately responsible for destroying their marriages – their husbands. I often get into heated debates with friends and colleagues when we talk about married men who cheat on their wives. No matter who I talk to, it’s all the same: “The ...
Then All Of A Sudden, God And I Got Close
I talk to God. A lot. I fight with Him, cry to Him, crack jokes with Him and ask Him a lot of questions. I can tell when He’s disappointed in me, proud of me, is disciplining me and wants me to draw nearer to him. This relationship didn’t happen overnight. Growing up, I hated church. ...