Yeah, I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road, I’m gonna ride ‘til I can’t no more. I swear, I could not help but sing that song while horseback riding in Maryland a few days ago.
The last time I was on a horse was more than a year ago when I was in California. So, it felt good to get back on the saddle.
My husband and I decided to go riding at the Piscataway Riding Stable and Horse Farm. It took me a good minute to get out of the car because as we drove up, all I could smell was the stench of manure. I almost punked out because I am massively turned off by gross smells. But, he assured me that the entire farm did not smell like that. He was right.

As we got closer to the farm, a wonderful man named Ambrose came out to greet us. He was as lovely as anyone can be. You could tell he loves animals, especially horses.

While he was getting disclaimer forms for us to fill out I was taking a look around the farm and seeing which horse I wanted to ride.
The animals all seemed very healthy and well cared for. While looking around, I immediately spotted the horse I wanted to ride, a very tall, serious looking horse. But, I said nothing.
To Ride On A Horse Is To Fly Without Wings
I later went into the office to sign the forms and as I was following Ambrose to the stable, I noticed him heading towards the very horse I had been eyeing – a majestic horse named Lucky. Ambrose said he also calls him Trump Towers.
The horse my husband wanted was resting, so instead he got a horse named Charlie, who was very calm and a bit slow walking. Just like my husband. I swear that’s his personality.

After saddling up, we met our guide, whose name I sadly forgot, and took off into the woods.
As we were leaving, Ambrose assured us that while the heat was unbearable we would soon be heading into the “air conditioned” section.
We took off for our hour-long trek and immediately hit the cool, shaded area. This must have been the air condition that Ambrose was talking about.
Our guide, a Southern gentleman with a deep accent, was very nice. He kept singing songs and of course, I joined right in. My husband and his slow horse trailed in the back.
Lucky clearly did not like being in the middle because he kept trying to pass the guide. I had to keep reining him in, which I hated doing because I always feel like I’m somehow hurting the horse.
Our guide told me that Lucky is very powerful and has a fast walk, so he naturally passes all of the other horses.

I’m Sorry, Did You Just Say A Bear?
While on our journey, some other riders were heading back to the start point when some of them spotted us and warned us to be careful because they had seen a bear.
A bear?!
Now, look here. One thing you’re not going to do is tell two black people that bears are up ahead. I asked the guide if it was still safe to proceed and he was very nonchalant. I kept thinking, ok so this is how I die: my ass gets mauled by a bear.
Anyway, I’m happy to report that I did not see a bear. I was also confident to know that if something did pop off, Lucky was the horse for me to be on because he was strong, stubborn and he would have gotten his ass out of there quickly. Just like me. My husband and the guide, however, would have been killed.
I don’t know the exact moment that I fell in love with horses, but if I had to pick, I’d say it happened when I was a child and was invited to a friend’s birthday party. She had a horse and I got to ride it.
Now, no matter where I go, I always want to know if there are horses there so that I can ride.
I really enjoyed this adventure in Maryland. I have no doubt that this is a hobby that I will be picking up regularly.
After my trip, I sent one of my best friends a photo of me on Lucky. I told her I had a great time, but noted that the horse was very strong and stubborn. Her response? “Just like you.” I can’t help but agree.