Whether we believe it or not, we have a lot to be thankful for. We should be grateful year round, but there’s something about November that drives that point home even more. This is, after all, the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Rather than just focusing on the delicious Thanksgiving meals (one of my favourite parts – especially the stuffing) and Black Friday sales, I thought it important to remind my readers to have a spirit of gratitude now more than ever.
There are many people who are homeless. Just take a look around the next time you’re in your car driving. Take note of how many people are sleeping on the ground or just wandering the street. Take a look at the number of people catching the bus. I’m sure they wish they had the car you’re in.
That job you hate getting up for on Monday morning? Well, I know many people who wish they had somewhere to go – one that pays.
Your kids who get on your nerve and won’t stop making a mess? There’s some infertile couple out there that wishes they had your problems. I’m sure they would gladly take those kids off of your hands.
There’s a lot to be grateful for.
Join Me On This Journey

I have embarked on a “30 Days Of Thankfulness” journey. Every day, I am going to write down what I am most grateful and thankful for. Since last year, I started a similar process where I would write down all of the major things that I have accomplished. It always blows my mind to look back and see all that I did.
So, for every day of the month of November, I am going to pull out my pen and paper and write down one thing that I am truly thankful for.

I bought this little blue gratitude box from a store a year ago and when people come to my house, I have them write down one thing that they are grateful for. They drop it in the box before they leave. I have censored one of their notes out of respect, but it’s something everyone is happy to do.
You don’t need a fancy blue box like me, I’m super extra. LOL. You can use an old jar that you have and decorate it (oops, see . . . I’m being extra again). You can just use an old jar and drop your notes in there. Get your whole family in on this activity. Believe me, they’ll enjoy it.
This is the second day of the month, so I have already dropped two in my box. What are you thankful for?
This Bahamian Gyal