I fulfilled one of my dreams of hosting a beauty pageant. Well, the costume competition, at least.
The Miss World Bahamas 2019 organisation reached out to me recently to invite me to host the competition. It was held at the Rooftop at The Pointe in Downtown, Nassau. The views were spectacular as we were on the ninth floor looking down on all of the colourful buildings. Just beautiful.
The scenery, however, was upstaged by the beautiful contestants who were showcasing their colourful designer costumes.
The crowd, many of whom had come from other islands in The Bahamas, were extremely excited to cheer on their favorite contestant.
I typically get butterflies before hosting events, but this time, my nerves were calm. Almost too calm, even with the last-minute changes and a full camera crew in my face. Before I knew it, the cameras were rolling and I was welcoming viewers to the show.
I can’t tell you how many wardrobe changes I went through before deciding on this vibrant two piece set. I love colour, so everything I do needs to be bright and cheerful, because that’s just my personality. It seems the crowd loved it, too as many people complimented me.

All of the contestants were incredible and you could tell that their designers really put a lot of thought and creativity into their creations. There were some who paid tribute to our Royal Bahamas Police Force, others paid homage to our beautiful waters and beaches. One contestant spoke about the need to protect our turtles with her beautiful costume.
Then, there was a contestant who brought the whole kitchen to the runway. Her Junkanoo costume was themed, ‘Grammy’s Kitchen.’ She had several dishes attached to her ensemble and told the judges and the crowd about the wonderful delights that are typically created in grandma’s kitchen. It was certainly memorable, especially since she tossed out traditional Bahamian goodies to the crowd.

There are many people who are highly critical of beauty pageants, but I see how they are so effective at helping to boost these young women’s confidence level.
Many of them meet new friends and are exposed to things and places they ordinarily would not have been exposed to.
The entire production lasted nearly two hours and moved along beautifully.
I had a blast. After the event was done, I received an email from the Miss Bahamas Organization applauding my efforts.

That really made my day.
This was the first, but I am sure it will not be my last time working with the pageant.
Until next time! In the meantime, check out the photos!