Let me start by stating that Thanksgiving Day is not a Bahamian holiday. However, that has not stopped Bahamians from getting in on the festivities.
It’s always great to give thanks. So, today, I want to give thanks for a few things – many of which we take for granted.
I’m thankful for my eyesight. Imagine waking up tomorrow and not being able to see. Scary, right? So, even though I have poor vision, I am grateful that it can be corrected with glasses.
I’m thankful for my overall health.
I’m thankful for my family. Even though we fight from time-to-time, I’m grateful to have been born into the family I have.

I’m thankful for my career. God has blessed me with some great gifts that have definitely made room for me.
I’m thankful for great friends who love and care about me and who make me laugh on a daily basis.
I’m thankful that notwithstanding my dog’s cancer diagnosis and the fact that we have seen her experience painful nights, she is still with us and enjoying her days.

I’m thankful for God’s tender mercy and that His love knows no bounds. I’m so happy He is a forgiving God.
Today, take the time to tell your loved ones that you adore them and be sure to give thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving!